Witness to Injustice: Inverurie & Kilmarnock

29 05 2008

Here’s an update on our speaker tour with Kusfiardi:

Inverurie 26th May – The Acorn Centre, West Church

Our first stop on the speaker tour was Inverurie and what an opener! A packed hall gave their full attention to Ardi’s presentation and there followed a good discussion afterwards on the issue of Indonesia’s huge odious debt. The audience were also keen to take action and find out what they could do to support justice for Indonesia so the Jubilee Scotland campaign received lots of petition signatures as well as support for lobbying the local MP Malcolm Bruce.

For Ardi, the evening was a sign that Scotland was prepared to do what it could to support his movement in Indonesia and a real encouragement for the rest of the speaker tour.

A thousand thanks go to the organisers at the Acorn Centre who fed, hosted and gave us a bed for the night. Special thanks goes to Ian Groves and good luck to all at West Church!

Lifting the lid on Indonesia

Kilmarnock 27th May – St. Kentigerns Church
After travelling down from Inverurie and stopping off for a couple of hours in Edinburgh the speaker tour was on the road again, this time to the western town of Kilmarnock. It is amazing to see how people engage with both Kusfiardi and the John Pilger documentary film we show, this combination really translates well the injustice that Indonesia continues to face under the mountain of debt. The discussion continued after the event on a whole range of issues to do with food security, sovereignty and positive conditionality. Thanks to Grant Barclay for all his help on the evening.

Edinburgh 28th May – Scottish Parliament
Kusfiardi had the opportunity to address the International Development Group (IDG) at the Scottish Parliament with Patricia Ferguson MSP and impress upon them the issue of Indonesia’s debt. A small meeting, but helpfully arranged by Patricia at short notice to give Ardi the chance to speak to the IDG. There was a good discussion, displaying the depth of knowledge that many of the Group members bring, and Patricia called for the group to review the situation with Indonesia’s debt and to return to it later in the year. This Parliamentary group is one of the most important forums for development and politics in Scotland, and it was great to be invited to it (the photo shows Ardi with Patricia Ferguson MSP, convener of the Group, and former Minister with responsibility for international development in Scotland – plus Adriana Sri Adhiati of Down to Earth, and other members of the Group).

Witness to Injustice Speaker Tour

29 05 2008

25 May 2008

Kusfiardi –
Indonesian Anti-Debt Campaigner arrives in Scotland!

On Friday 23rd May the Jubilee Scotland team waited excitedly at Edinburgh airport for Kusfiardi the anti-debt campaigner from Indonesia to arrive. After introductions and a drive into Edinburgh the work immediately began with a initial briefing by Kusfiardi on Indonesia’s debt situation. It quickly became  clear that Kusfiardi was both an eloquent and passionate advocate for debt justice for Indonesia and we in the Jubilee Scotland team were immediately engrossed. We can’t wait to tour with him around Scotland!

Our discussions about Indonesia continued well into the evening with Kusfiardi remarkably showing no signs of jet lag (considering the flight from Jakarta had taken 15 hours to get to Scotland) and we looked forward to showing him a little of Edinburgh the next day as an introduction to Scotland.

Straight to work - Kusfiardi briefs Jubilee

The next morning our first visit was to show Kusfiardi the best view of Edinburgh, from Arthur’s Seat and the Crags, then we drove to East Lothian to North Berwick to walk on the beach and talk more about debt and the Jubilee Scotland campaign to cancel Indonesia’s arms debt owed to the UK.
Kusfiardi in front of Scottish Parliament

Time and again Kusfiardi impressed upon us just how devastating the impact of debt was having in Indonesia not just by taking resources away from the government’s budget but also because of the lack of disbursement of loans in the first place. Not only is Indonesia having to repay the debts but it has never received the full amount that was owed to them in the first place!

It is Kusfiardi’s belief that is this that makes the issue of debt an issue of political control, with the creditors and multinational corporations having the power to control the destiny of Indonesia.

Kusfiardi also told us about the current political situation in Indonesia where the government that day were about to increase fuel prices, a development that was being driven by the oil multinational corporations based in Indonesia and the impact this would have on everyday life.

But he remains hopeful that by coming to Scotland and campaigning with Jubilee he can show the Indonesian government that there is concern for Indonesia’s debt issue in the international community and that the people of Scotland are determined not to continue to be party to the injustice of the arms debt owed to the UK government.

Tomorrow, the tour begins in Inverurie where Kusfiardi will be talking  with local campaigners and the public on Indonesia’s debt and encouraging them to take part in the Jubilee Scotland campaign. There will also be a screening of John Pilger’s ‘New Rulers of the World’ .

The dates and venues of the tour are:

Monday 26th May  – Inverurie
Tuesday 27th May – Kilmarnock
Wednesday 28th May – Edinburgh
Thursday 29th May – Dumbarton
Friday 30th May – Kirkcaldy


22 05 2008

Departemen Keuangan mulai serius menjajaki sumber pinjaman baru yang ditawarkan pemerintah Jepang dalam bentuk skema Shibosai untuk menyerap utang sebesar Rp 6,51 triliun (Kompas, 22/05/08).

Depkeu menganggap ini menjadi sumber alternatif menarik karena Shibosai ditawarkan dengan suku bunga yang relatif rendah. Direktur Jenderal Pengelolaan Utang Depkeu Rahmat Waluyanto di Jakarta, Rabu (21/5) mengatakan bahwa jumlah pinjaman yang bisa diperoleh sangat tergantung dari nilai proyek yang akan menjadi jaminan. Pada umumnya, nilai transaksi awal dalam penerbitan Shibosai berkisar 500 juta dollar 700 juta dollar AS (setara Rp 4,65 triliun hingga Rp 6,51 triliun pada posisi nilai tukar Rp 9.300 per dollar AS).

Shibosai merupakan surat utang yang diterbitkan dalam mata uang yen dan dilelang di pasar Jepang. Lelang dilakukan dengan menggunakan skema penempatan langsung dan terbatas kepada investor tertentu, bukan melalui penawaran umum.

Syarat utama penerbitan Shibosai adalah adanya proyek yang akan dibiayai oleh dana obligasi itu. Oleh karena itu, sebelum menerbitkan Shibosai, Pemerintah Indonesia harus menentukan terlebih dahulu proyek-proyek yang akan dibiayai dana dari penerbitan surat utang ini.

Menurut Rahmat, jumlah investor yang akan ditawari Shibosai dibatasi maksimal 49 institusi. Penerbitan Shibosai yang dilakukan Pemerintah Indonesia akan dijamin Bank Jepang untuk Kerja Sama Internasional (Japan Bank for International Cooperation/ JBIC). Artinya, JBIC akan menjamin pembayaran kewajiban jika pemerintah gagal bayar. Sebagai gantinya, pemerintah akan membayar ongkos penjaminan kepada JBIC.

Sementara,sebagai investor utama dalam ADB (Asian Bank Development) Jepang akan mengabulkan pinjaman dengan kisaran 800 juta s.d 900 juta USD sebelum akhir tahun ini untuk pinjaman program yang diajukan oleh pemerintah RI.

ADB menjelaskan bahwa dana tersebut digunakan untuk membantu menutup defisit anggaran pemerintah RI dan diberikan dalam bentuk pinjaman reguler dengan basis tingkat suku bunga sama dengan LIBOR.

Bappenas menyatakan baru-baru ini bahwa ADB hanya dapat memenuhi permintaan pinjaman pemerintah sebesar 650 juta USD dari total permintaan 1,1 miliar USD. Lebih jauh lagi Bappenas menyatakan bahwa pinjaman itu diperuntukkan untuk mendanai tiga program:

  1. Development Policy Support Program (DPSP) yang merupakan hasil kerja sama dengan Bank Dunia. Dalam program ini ADB akan mengucurkan pinjaman 200 juta USD. Bila dikabulkan, pinjaman ini merupakan yang keempat kalinya sejak tahun 2005
  2. Local Government Financing and Governance Reform senilai senilai 300 juta USD. Bila terealisasi, ini akan menjadi pinjaman program tahun kedua.
  3. IBFRA (International Boreal Forest Research Association) Reform. Ini akan menjadi yang keduakalinya (Binis Indonesia 22/05/08).